Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Evil lids

I am convinced that water bottle lids are out to get me.

"Well, what has led you to this conclusion?" you might ask. You probably didn't ask that, but whatever. Well, a life changing event happened-that's what. So, let me go ahead and share.
One day, I was in an engaging conversation with someone random, and I reached out to get a sip of water from my $2.50 water bottle. SO engaged was I, that I didn't even noticed the lid was still on, and I used what had suddenly became a super-human arm to ram that thing right against my mouth. After the initial shock and pain wore off, I realized my random companion was laughing his ass off, while I was bleeding and frantically searching for a gun to shoot myself with.

So, what have I learned? Never trust beverage lids.